Today was Jonathan's 4th birthday! Here are some pictures from our fun day!
I woke up excited to make him scrambled eggs with some eggs the boys found in the chicken coop here...unfortunately, eight out of the nine little eggs had eyeballs inside, so we had oatmeal! Jonathan said, "I like oatmeal in the United States of America, AND I like oatmeal in Sudan!"
I woke up excited to make him scrambled eggs with some eggs the boys found in the chicken coop here...unfortunately, eight out of the nine little eggs had eyeballs inside, so we had oatmeal! Jonathan said, "I like oatmeal in the United States of America, AND I like oatmeal in Sudan!"
And while we're on the food's what we had for lunch! Canned hot dogs from Nairobi, canned green beans and mac'n'cheese! We invited our friends over for a lunch celebration...
Here we get a bit out of order (Does anyone else have this problem of moving pictures around in blogger? It drives me crazy!)... After our water balloon fight and before dinner we were surprised by a huge hail storm! It was amazing! Jonathan had fun running out and collecting the ice balls when the worst of it was over. Apparently Phil had to hide under a tree with a shovel over his head at the bridge site!
Bath in a bucket. The blue bucket is always fought over for bath time. Birthday boy got it today!
Here we're back to dinner celebration! I made a chocolate cake in our brick/charcoal oven (it turned out great!), and per Jonathan's request I topped it with chocolate pudding and whipped cream - what a treat!
This morning I asked Jonathan how he felt now that's he's four. He told me that he wouldn't be four until after he had his cake and presents. When we came back home to get ready for bed after his party he suddenly realized he was finally four and thought he should try and see how fast he could run now that he was older. He ran as fast as he could back and forth in our small house and was super excited to find that he was indeed much faster than before! He fell asleep a very happy boy with his new car and games around him. Happy Birthday, sweet boy!
Happy Birthday Jonathan!!!! It sounds like you had a great day! We love you!!!!
Happy Birthday, Jonathan. There's a package on it's way to Kampala for you guys. It'll be at the EMI office. What an awesome blog post! Thanks for all the great pictures and for working so hard to make it a special day for Jonathan. What a delight! Can't wait for Kate to come home to see this post.
It's Auntie Kate here- Happy Birthday Jonathan! We love you so much, and wish we could have called you on your birthday. I'm glad you had such a great day!
Happy belated birthday! What a blessed celebration you had! We miss you all and hope that all is going well...
Dear Jonathan,
You are so loved! What a wonderful day! I wish we could have been there with you to share it.
Hugs and kisses,
Aunt Rebecca
Happy Birthday Jonathan! So glad you had a fun day.
We're having a party for Grant's first birthday today!
Happy Birthday Jonathan! Internet high-five. I bet you're superman fast too now that you're four. Next time we see you we'll have a race, I'll try and keep up with you. Love you bud.
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