A lot of you have been asking my mom and dad what I do all day. Mom took a bunch of pictures of me today to give you a peek at what my life in Sudan is like.
6:30am - I wake up and ask mom if I can get out of my tent because I looked out our bamboo wall and saw the sun was coming up! She said to wait 5 more minutes.
6:50am - I notice Eva is awake and reading a book in her bug tent bed, so I run over and help her out and then together we wake up Dad and ask if he'll make us breakfast!
7:00 - Breakfast on our porch with Dad - I LOVE Wheatabix Cereal!
7:30 - A big black ant bites my bottom while I'm trying to get dressed. OWIE!!
8:15 - Off to play with Isaac and Evan. "Bye mom!"
9am -I invite my friends to come play some of my games with me
9:30 - shoes on! Back out to run and play!
10:15 - Home to watch some "Little Rascles" with Evelyn
11:00 - I help Mommy plant some flower seeds by the side of my house. We feed termites to the big black ants and play with a dumptruck.
12:00 - We wash our hands and eat lunch at the dining hall.
12:30 - Daddy's home for lunch and rest time!
1-3pm - Rest time in our bug huts
3:15 - Isaac comes over to play cars at my house
4:30 - Now that the sun isn't so hot, Isaac, Evan and I play outside again. We make rivers and mountains with our "soil." While I'm gone Mom washes dirty diapers, and Eva takes a fun bath to cool off - she uses a big clump of dirt for her soap! Silly girl.
6:00 - Dinner in the dining hall
7:00 - Bathtime, Bible story, and prayers with Dad
7:30 - Bedtime.
What a fun day!
Other things I like to do are riding in the back of Uncle Eli's truck, home school with Isaac Evan and Praise, playing with the puppies, and swinging in the tree swing.
5 days ago
Looks like a pretty good life Jonathan! I loved seeing so many pictures of you having fun!
Hi Jonathan - it sounds like you have a pretty good set up there in Sudan. Your bug tent reminds me of Willa's pink Dora the Explorer tent, but I bet yours is better at keeping out big black ants. Willa says hi to you. Please post any pictures you take of interesting animals that we don't see in California! We'll pray for you and your family tonight.
Hi Jonathan,
This is Aunt Rebecca. We miss you! Thanks for sharing what a day in your life is like. I'm sure glad you're having so much fun! I'm sorry about the ant owie! I wish I could play with the puppies . . . I LOVE puppies! Give Eva and your Mom and Dad big hugs from us. We're going to stay in your house in San Luis Obispo for Easter. It won't be the same without you there! Grandma and Grandpa will be there, though, and Ellie and Marcus, Auntie Boo and Uncle Tony. We're going to have an Easter egg hunt at the place where GM and GP are staying. Wish you could be there, too. Your tent beds look really cool! Love you lots and Happy Easter!
That is a really cool life Jonathan. I like your house and your tent-bed. I used to feed termites to big black ants in Chad when I was your age. Just be careful you don't get bit on your bottom again! Give your family hugs for me
Uncle Brian
Hey Jonathan: Tell your parents they need to update their blog. People like Uncle Jonathan and Auntie Kate check several times a day, hoping for an update, but leave disappointed. Make sure you keep reminding them until they put up a nice new update with pictures of you and Evelyn (and them too, I guess!). Love, Uncle Jonathan
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