Jonathan decided Evelyn needed a trim while I was gone! Phil wrote and told me about it and said she looked a bit uneven...somehow seeing it in person was a lot more dramatic than hearing about it over email. The funniest thing is that she walked around like this for a garage sale, church, friend's houses...before I got back and fixed it. For a long time she has been talking about growing her hair looong like a princess...I guess princess hairstyle will have to wait!
5 days ago
Ha! a bit uneven! that made me laugh a LOT. Chip probably wouldn't have even noticed. ha! I'm still laughing! Thanks for that. You guys are the best.
Welcome home, Emily. What a great homecoming gift from the kids - pretty cute. I'll look forward to hearing more about your trip when you get a chance to catch your breath.
That is cute. I'll write soon and let you know what I've been up to.
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