A lot of you have been asking my mom and dad what I do all day. Mom took a bunch of pictures of me today to give you a peek at what my life in Sudan is like.
6:30am - I wake up and ask mom if I can get out of my tent because I looked out our bamboo wall and saw the sun was coming up! She said to wait 5 more minutes.
6:50am - I notice Eva is awake and reading a book in her bug tent bed, so I run over and help her out and then together we wake up Dad and ask if he'll make us breakfast!
7:00 - Breakfast on our porch with Dad - I LOVE Wheatabix Cereal!
7:30 - A big black ant bites my bottom while I'm trying to get dressed. OWIE!!
8:15 - Off to play with Isaac and Evan. "Bye mom!"
9am -I invite my friends to come play some of my games with me
9:30 - shoes on! Back out to run and play!
10:15 - Home to watch some "Little
Rascles" with Evelyn
11:00 - I help
Mommy plant some flower seeds by the side of my house. We feed termites to the big black ants and play w
ith a dumptruck.
12:00 - We wash our hands and eat lunch
at the dining hall.
12:30 - Daddy's home for lunch and rest time!
1-3pm - Rest time
in our bug huts
3:15 - Isaac comes over to play cars at my house
4:30 - Now that the sun isn't so hot, Isaac, Evan and I play outside again. We make rivers and mountains with our "soil." While I'm gone Mom washes dirty diapers, and Eva takes a fun bath to cool off - she uses a big clump of dirt for her soap! Silly girl.
6:00 - Dinner in the dining hall
7:00 - Bathtime, Bible story, and prayers with Dad
7:30 - Bedtime.
What a fun day!
Other things I like to do are riding in the back of Uncle Eli's truck, home school with Isaac Evan and Praise, playing with the puppies, and swinging in the tree swing.
I told my mom that I want to live here forever!