We had a terrific Christmas here in San Luis Obispo and a very relaxing week-after-Christmas in Medford, Oregon at a family reunion. Back to work tomorrow.
So you probably know by now that we're moving to Africa this year. Project #1 scheduled for Spring 2009 is in Sudan (see yabusbridge.blogspot.com for details). Project #2 starts in the Summer in Jinja, Uganda. We are very excited about moving back to Africa and cannot wait to see what God has in store for us there.
What is beginning to sink in is the reality of leaving San Luis Obispo, our dear church family, friends and neighbors. Sad. Our roots have gone deep here and it will hurt to leave. On the other hand, we wouldn't want to be unrooted here just for ease in transition. We are thankful for our San Luis family and will miss them when we go.
One thing we'll do when we go (yes I'm writing this down in a public online venue so you can keep us accoutable) is to update this blog monthly. Check back here for updates as we go, and updates from the field.